Lydia Müller
Connection, Dance, Retreats
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Lydia Müller has been working since 2002 professionally as a dancer, dance teacher and choreographer in Holland, Portugal, Germany and further abroad. She received her diploma of dance in education at Codarts, Dance Academy Rotterdam and has been working since then in several professional dance companies, Community Art projects and interactive streettheater performances. She has been performing together with Ezequiel Sanucci with their own Contemporary Dance company “Tango Now”. Lydia is choreographing her own children dance theater performances and streettheater performances.
Besides her carrier as a dancer, Lydia has been regularly teaching contact improvisation, contemporary dance, Argentine tango, contact tango, Neo tango, African dance and yoga to different age groups in the Netherlands, Germany, Europe, Latin America and Singapore. She is founder of the CI Contact Zone Rotterdam, member of the CI-teachers of the Netherlands and Portugal and organizes her own dance retreats.
Lydia’s quality in teaching is to guide the whole group into a journey of creativity, playfulness, depth and joy. Her work and heart is beating for getting in contact with ourselves through connecting with each.
Healing Sexuality
Healing Sexuality with Pedro and Lydia in November close to Lisbon.
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Contact Tango is an exploration of the encounter between two creative dance forms: contact improvisation and tango. By using principles of this two styles, we find new ways of dancing in connection with different partners with freedom, joy and creativity. Let yourself...
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Contact Tango is an creative exploration of the encounter between contact improvisation and Argentine tango. By using principles of tango and contact improvisation we connect, play, get creative and dance free. Using massage we deeply connect with our own body. We get...
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Lydia and Julian are providing a safe space to explore and discover about yourself by being, exploring and exchanging with each others. They offer a playground where you can express yourself and feel free of any judgements. They both have a wide background and...
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Lydia Müller